Intensive EMDR Therapy & Adjunct EMDR Therapy

Dr. Cheryl Arutt is a trauma-informed psychologist & EMDR Consultant offering intensive therapy for creative people wanting relief & results faster than traditional weekly therapy allows.
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Immediate, customized support for creative people

As an EMDRIA Consultant and Certified EMDR Clinician highly trained in complex and developmental trauma, I value clinical excellence. By providing relationally-focused EMDR along with advanced training in psychotherapy methods (e.g. complex developmental trauma, attachment theory, neuroscience, Polyvagal theory, CBT, ego states, psychodynamic, object relations & “parts work”) we work together to: ✦ Discover the origins of limiting beliefs in order to update old narratives about how you get to show up in the world, who you are, and what you deserve ✦ Alleviate anxiety, depression, and trauma symptoms through a positive, growth-oriented process grounded in the philosophy that everyone is seeking wholeness Now, more than ever, we need flexibility in how we get support. The traditional model of weekly psychotherapy is shifting to meet your needs: ✦ Perhaps you’ve felt a sense that something profound has yet to change, but you’re not quite sure how to shift all the way into a new experience of yourself with your current therapist. ✦ Maybe you now understand new things intellectually, and yet your body didn’t get the memo - and still reacts the same old way - so you’re curious about how Adjunct EMDR therapy can help. ✦ Or you’ve been meaning to get into weekly therapy for a while now, but your schedule has been so hectic and demanding that a weekly therapy appointment feels more overwhelming than supportive. ✦ Perhaps you’re needing help —- and a lot of it—- right now, and you don’t want to spend months in the traditional weekly model of therapy treatment to feel better. Whatever the reason that weekly sessions just won’t work for you, EMDR Intensives are available to support you during times you need help the most. I offer EMDR Intensives for my current patients when they are needing extra support, as well as new patients who prefer to work intensively. EMDR is not just for trauma; it is also used for performance enhancement to excel in areas such as athletics, the performing arts, business, and relationships. My passion is utilizing the powerful benefits of EMDR with creative people, performers and entrepreneurs who are ready to live without anxiety, depression, dissociation, phobias, addiction, and post-traumatic stress. I have more than 25 years' experience in private practice specializing in trauma and creativity, and I am committed to continued learning and growth as a way of life. Having led thousands of EMDR sessions since 2010, I’m also an EMDRIA Approved Consultant teaching other EMDR Clinicians best practices through case consultations and presentations, and speak internationally about creativity, post-traumatic growth, creative artist issues and the benefits of EMDR therapy at conferences, on podcasts, as a TEDx speaker, and on TV. For more information about my training and experience please visit I support patients in California in two formats: (1) Adjunct EMDR Therapy and (2) EMDR Intensives (personalized treatment programs for individuals). Ongoing intensive therapy is available if you are wanting long-term support towards several treatment goals. Schedule a consultation to find out if we're a good fit and decide on a plan of action together. If you are not in California, we can arrange for you to fly in to work with me, or I can make a referral.
Cheryl Arutt Psy.D.
Clinical & Forensic Psychologist, EMDR Consultant


EMDR Intensives are customized, accelerated treatment plans just for you

  • Trauma
  • PTSD
  • Performance Enhancement
  • Attachment Wounds
  • Post-traumatic Growth
  • Complex & Developmental Trauma
  • Creative Artist Issues
  • Anxiety
  • Depression


  • Creative Artist Issues & Performance Enhancement
  • Trauma Focused
  • Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
  • EMDR Intensives
  • Adjunct EMDR Therapy
  • EMDR Consultation Groups for Therapists
  • Forensic Psychology


A street map for office location at Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1827

Cheryl Arutt PsyD - Clinical & Forensic Psychology

Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1827